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Biographies by Artist's Last Name

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Lot #234

Artist: Peter Paul Ochs ~ [1931-1994] Canadian

#234 ~ Ochs - Untitled - Abstract in Browns and Yellows
Lot #234

Artist: Peter Paul Ochs ~ [1931-1994] Canadian

Reference: Dict. of Canadian Artists, by C.MacDonald, Vol.5, pg.1416-1418

Lot #109, Lot #110, Lot #570, Lot #571

Artist: Daphne Odjig ~ [1919-2016] Canadian RCA

#109 ~ Odjig - Levels of Understanding
#110 ~ Odjig - Genocide 2
#570 ~ Odjig - Mother
#571 ~ Odjig - With Granny  #36/125
Lot #109, Lot #110, Lot #570, Lot #571

Artist: Daphne Odjig ~ [1919-2016] Canadian RCA

Reference: see Daphne Odjig - A Retrospective 1946-1985 by E.McLuhan, Thunder Bay National Exhibition Centre, 1985; Odjig: The Art of Daphne Odjig, 1960-2000 by Bob Boyer and Carol Podedworny, published by Key Porter Books, 2001; Four Decades of Prints, by M.Wood, Kamloops Art Gallery, 2005; Daphne Odjig, by B.Devine, NGC, 2007; included in Time for Dialogue, by J.Cardinal-Schubert, pg.18, Calgary Aboriginal Awareness Society, 1992; Dict. Of Canadian Artists, by C.MacDonald, Vol.5, pg.1419 for biography; Collector's Dictionary of Canadian Artists at Auction, by A.Westbridge, Vol.3, pg.58, Westbridge Pub., 2001; listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website

Lot #572

Artist: Claes Oldenburg ~ [1929-2022] American

#572 ~ Oldenburg - Chicago Show, New Constructions, Models and Drawings - Richard Fiegen Gallery April 30th - May 31st
Lot #572

Artist: Claes Oldenburg ~ [1929-2022] American

Reference: see Claes Oldenburg, by A. Legg, Arts Council of Great Britain, 1970; Catalogue Raisonne 1966-1971, by Gemini G.E.L., 1971; Claes Oldenburg; Drawings & Prints, by G.Baro, Wellfleet, N.J.1988; Claes Oldenburg: An Anthology, by C.Oldenburg, Guggenheim Foundation, 1995; biography in Dictionnaire des Peintres, Sculpteurs et Graveurs, by E.Benezit, Tome 8, pg.3

Lot #573

Artist: Franklin [Frank] Herbert Palmer ~ [1921-1990] Canadian ASA, CSPWC, RCA

#573 ~ Palmer - Wall
Lot #573

Artist: Franklin [Frank] Herbert Palmer ~ [1921-1990] Canadian ASA, CSPWC, RCA

Reference: see A.G.O., by the A.G.O., pg.348; Founders of the A.C.A., by L.Greenfield, pg.96; Dict. of Canadian Artists, by C.MacDonald, Vol.5, pg.1471; Collector's Dictionary of Canadian Artists at Auction, by A.Westbridge, Vol.3, pg.66, Westbridge Pub., 2001; included in Jubilee Exhibition of Alberta Paintings, by J.Nicoll, pg.25, Calgary Allied Art Centre, 1955; Alberta Society of Artists, the First Seventy Five Years, by K.Zimon, pg.43, UofC Press; listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website

Lot #574

Artist: Herbert Sidney Palmer ~ [1881-1970] Canadian CSGA, CSPWC, OSA, RCA

#574 ~ Palmer - The Road to the Lake
Lot #574

Artist: Herbert Sidney Palmer ~ [1881-1970] Canadian CSGA, CSPWC, OSA, RCA

Reference: see A.G.O., by the A.G.O., pg.349, and N.G.C. Vol.III, by R.Hubbard, pg. 241 for other examples; biographies in Dict. of Canadian Artists, by C.MacDonald, Vol.5, pg.1472 and Collector's Dictionary of Canadian Artists at Auction, by A.Westbridge, Vol.3, pg.66, Westbridge Pub., 2001; exhibition lists in M.M.F.A., pg.292 and R.C.A.A., by E.McMann, pg.312

Lot #575

Artist: Randolph T. Parker ~ [b.1954] Canadian

#575 ~ Parker - Subtleties of the Land
Lot #575

Artist: Randolph T. Parker ~ [b.1954] Canadian

Reference: Randolph Parker, Beyond the Brush, by B.Mayberry and P.Ohler, Masters Gakkery and Mayberry Fine Art, 2005; Collector's Dictionary of Canadian Artists at Auction, by A.Westbridge, Vol.3, pg. 69, Westbridge Pub., 2001; listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website

Lot #111, Lot #112

Artist: Neil Patterson ~ [b.1947] Canadian OPAM

#111 ~ Patterson - Logs on Moraine
#112 ~ Patterson - Paddling Lake Louise
Lot #111, Lot #112

Artist: Neil Patterson ~ [b.1947] Canadian OPAM

Reference: see artists's website at neilpattersonopamaster.com; biography in Collector's Dictionary of Canadian Artists at Auction, by A.Westbridge, Vol.3, pg.71, Westbridge Pub., 2001; recently elected a member of the Oil Painters of America; represented by Masters Gallery, Calgary; listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website; represented by Masters Gallery, Calgary and Canada House Gallery, Banff

Lot #235

Artist: Evan Penny ~ [b.1953] Canadian

#235 ~ Penny - Norma
Lot #235

Artist: Evan Penny ~ [b.1953] Canadian

Reference: see Evan Penny Abolutely Unreal, by David Clark, Museum London, 2004; listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website

Lot #113, Lot #114, Lot #115, Lot #116, Lot #117, Lot #118, Lot #119, Lot #120

Artist: Walter Joseph Phillips ~ [1884-1963] Canadian ASA, CPE, CSPWC, MSA, RCA

#113 ~ Phillips - Leaf of Gold  #8/100
#114 ~ Phillips - Tunnel Mountain  #7/100
#115 ~ Phillips - Above Lake Louise
#116 ~ Phillips - Ski Trail
#117 ~ Phillips - Zinnias  #46/100
#118 ~ Phillips - Valley of the Ten Peaks
#119 ~ Phillips - The Field Barn  #16/100
#120 ~ Phillips - The Lily
Lot #113, Lot #114, Lot #115, Lot #116, Lot #117, Lot #118, Lot #119, Lot #120

Artist: Walter Joseph Phillips ~ [1884-1963] Canadian ASA, CPE, CSPWC, MSA, RCA

Reference: Phillips, whose father was a Welsh clergyman, was born in Barton-on-Humber in Lincolnshire, England in 1884. He arrived in Winnipeg with his wife, Gladys, after spending 5 years in South Africa and then working as a teacher and commercial artist in England. For a detailed biography and examples of Phillips work see the website wjphillips.ca
See Walter J. Phillips, by Duncan Campbell Scott [Scott#], published by Ryerson Press, 1947; Walter J. Phillips, A Selection of His Works and Thoughts, by Michael J. Gribbon, published by N.G.C., 1978; The Tranquility and the Turbulence: The Life and Works of Walter J. Phillips, by Roger H. Boulet [MBL#], published by Loates, 1981; Phillips in Print, edited by Douglas Cole and Maria Tippett, published by Manitoba Records Society, 1982; Truth and Beauty in the Canadian Rockies, An Explorer's Guide to the Art of Walter J. Phillips, by Lisa Christensen, Fifth House Publishers, 2019; included in N.G.C. Vol. III, by Robert Hubbard, pg. 247; A.G.O., by the A.G.O., pg. 365

Lot #304

Artist: Camille Pissarro ~ [1831-1903] French

#304 ~ Pissarro - Pont Neuf, Compiegne
Lot #304

Artist: Camille Pissarro ~ [1831-1903] French

Reference: included on the Getty Union List of Artist Names Online, by the Getty Research Trust website

Lot #576

Artist: Warner R. Plangg ~ [1934-1994] Canadian

#576 ~ Plangg - Untitled - Mountain View
Lot #576

Artist: Warner R. Plangg ~ [1934-1994] Canadian

Reference: see Dict. of Canadian Artists, by C.MacDonald, Vol.6, pg.1729; Collector's Dictionary of Canadian Artists at Auction, by A.Westbridge, Vol.3, pg.85, Westbridge Pub., 2001; Plangg exhibited with the Buffalo Bill Historical Center, Cody, Wyoming in 1969; listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website

Lot #236

Artist: John Christopher Pratt ~ [1935-2022] Canadian RCA

#236 ~ Pratt - Labrador Sea  #91/93
Lot #236

Artist: John Christopher Pratt ~ [1935-2022] Canadian RCA

Reference: see Yves Gaucher and Christopher Pratt, by A.Morrison, V.A.G., 1977; Christopher Pratt, by D.Silcox, Prentice Hall, 1982; B>Christopher Pratt: A Retrospective, by J.Zemans, Vancouver Art Gallery, 1985; The Prints of Christopher Pratt 1958-1991, Catalogue Raisonne, by J.Scott, Breakwater Press and Mira Godard Gallery, 1991; biography in Dict. of Canadian Artists, by C.MacDonald, Vol.6, pg.1813; represented by Paul Kuhn Fine Arts, Calgary and Mira Godard, Toronto

Lot #577

Artist: David Pugh ~ [1946-1994] Canadian

#577 ~ Pugh - Hoodoo
Lot #577

Artist: David Pugh ~ [1946-1994] Canadian

Reference: see The Critical Development of David Pugh, by D.Godin, Penumbra Press, 1984 for overview of the artist's career; see Biographical Dict. of Saskatchewan Artists - Men, by M.Newman, pg.209, Fifth House Pub., 1994; Collector's Dictionary of Canadian Artists at Auction, by A.Westbridge, Vol.3, pg.92, Westbridge Pub., 2001; exhibited at Masters Gallery, Calgary; listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website

Lot #578, Lot #579

Artist: Ted Raftery ~ [b.1938] Canadian

#578 ~ Raftery - A Break in the Storm - Mt. Assiniboine
#579 ~ Raftery - Approaching Snowstorm [From Ribbon Creek Bridge]
Lot #578, Lot #579

Artist: Ted Raftery ~ [b.1938] Canadian

Reference: biography in Collector's Dictionary of Canadian Artists at Auction, by A.Westbridge, Vol.3, pg.94, Westbridge Pub., 2001; listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website; exhibited at Gainsborough Galleries, Calgary

Lot #305

Artist: Lucio Ranucci ~ [1925-2017] Italian

#305 ~ Ranucci - Untitled - Dove Delivery
Lot #305

Artist: Lucio Ranucci ~ [1925-2017] Italian

Reference: for more biographical information and examples of the artist's work, check out Ro Gallery

Lot #237, Lot #238, Lot #239

Artist: Robert Rauschenberg ~ [1925-2008] American

#237 ~ Rauschenberg - Ape [Stoned Moon]  #24/46
#238 ~ Rauschenberg - Passport [Ten from Leo Castelli]  #AP
#239 ~ Rauschenberg - Vale, from Pages and Fuses  #8/14
Lot #237, Lot #238, Lot #239

Artist: Robert Rauschenberg ~ [1925-2008] American

Reference: see Rauschenberg Art and Life, by M.Kotz, Abrams, 1990; biography in 1991/92 PrintWorld Directory, by S.Smith, 723; included in Dict. des Peintres, Sculpteurs et Graveurs, by E.Benezit, Tome 8, pg.619; listed on www.artprice.com

Lot #121

Artist: Carl Ray ~ [1943-1978] Canadian

#121 ~ Ray - The Legend of the Great Mosquito
Lot #121

Artist: Carl Ray ~ [1943-1978] Canadian

Reference: see The Permanent Collection - Thunder Bay Art Gallery, by C.Podedworny, pg.37, Thunder Bay Art Gallery, 1986 for biography and example; Dict. of Canadian Artists - Vol.7, by C.MacDonald, pg.1943 for biography; illustrated Sacred Legends of the Sandy Lake Cree, by J.Stevens, McClelland and Stewart, 1971

Lot #580

Artist: Irene Hoffar Reid ~ [1908-1994] Canadian

#580 ~ Reid - Catherine
Lot #580

Artist: Irene Hoffar Reid ~ [1908-1994] Canadian

Reference: listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website

Lot #240, Lot #241

Artist: Steven Rhude ~ [b.1959] Canadian

#240 ~ Rhude - Spring Dory
#241 ~ Rhude - Untitled - Buoy and Aphrodite
Lot #240, Lot #241

Artist: Steven Rhude ~ [b.1959] Canadian

Reference: listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website; CCCA Canadian Art Database

Lot #581

Artist: Danielle Richard ~ [b.1954] Canadian

#581 ~ Richard - Untitled - Woman in Cloak
Lot #581

Artist: Danielle Richard ~ [b.1954] Canadian

Reference: listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website at Artists in Canada

Lot #582, Lot #583, Lot #584

Artist: Karin Richter ~ [20th century] Canadian ASA, CSPWC, SCA, PAC

#582 ~ Richter - Fire Escape
#583 ~ Richter - Returning Home at Sunset
#584 ~ Richter - Weathered
Lot #582, Lot #583, Lot #584

Artist: Karin Richter ~ [20th century] Canadian ASA, CSPWC, SCA, PAC

Reference: see Collector's Dictionary of Canadian Artists at Auction, by A.Westbridge, Vol.3, pg.103, Westbridge Pub., 2001; biography and examples at www.karinrichter.com; listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website; artist's web site at karinrichter.com

Lot #242

Artist: Gary Ripley ~ [20th century] Canadian

#242 ~ Ripley - Untitled - Garden Silhouettes
Lot #242

Artist: Gary Ripley ~ [20th century] Canadian

Reference: listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website

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