Biographies by Artist's Last Name
A - B | C - E | F - H | I - L | M - N | O - R | S | T - Z
Artist: Douglas Allan Fales ~ [b.1929] Canadian
Artist: Douglas Allan Fales ~ [b.1929] Canadian
Reference: biography in Collector's Dictionary of Canadian Artists at Auction, by A.Westbridge, Vol.1, pg.109, Westbridge Pub., 1999; listed in M.M.F.A., by E.McMann, pg.120; listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website
Artist: Gerald Faulder ~ [b.1960] Canadian
Artist: Gerald Faulder ~ [b.1960] Canadian
Reference: see artist's website at; listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website
Artist: Levine Flexhaug ~ [1918-1974] Canadian
Artist: Levine Flexhaug ~ [1918-1974] Canadian
Reference: see A Sublime Vernacular: The Landscape Paintings of Levine Flexhaug by Nancy Tousley and Peter White, published by Art Gallery of Grande Prairie, 2015; listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website
Artist: Gilbert A. Flodberg ~ [b.1938] Canadian
Artist: Gilbert A. Flodberg ~ [b.1938] Canadian
Reference: see Founders of the A.C.A., by V.Greenfield, pg.81, for biography; see Shell Canada Collection, by B.Shammas, pg.16, Shell Canada, Calgary, 1977; Collector's Dictionary of Canadian Artists at Auction, by A.Westbridge, Vol.1, pg. 116, Westbridge Pub., 1999; represented by Masters Gallery, Calgary; listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website
Artist: Graham Forsythe ~ [1952-2012] Canadian
Artist: Graham Forsythe ~ [1952-2012] Canadian
Reference: listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website
Artist: Gwen Frank ~ [b.1960] Canadian
Artist: Gwen Frank ~ [b.1960] Canadian
Reference: included in the University of Calgary Millenium Portfolio, 1999 as an alumna; represented by Scott Gallery, Edmonton; listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website
Artist: Greg Franko ~ [20th century] Canadian
Artist: Greg Franko ~ [20th century] Canadian
Reference: listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website
Artist: Rosemarie Gall ~ [20th century] Canadian
Artist: Rosemarie Gall ~ [20th century] Canadian
Reference: listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website
Artist: Gabriel Joseph Gely ~ [1924-2020] Canadian
Artist: Gabriel Joseph Gely ~ [1924-2020] Canadian
Reference: Collector's Dictionary of Canadian Artists at Auction, by A.Westbridge, Vol.2, pg. 8, Westbridge Pub., 2000 and Dict. of Canadian Artists, by C.MacDonald, Vol.2, pg. 262 and listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website
Artist: Marc Gibeau ~ [20th century] Canadian
Artist: Marc Gibeau ~ [20th century] Canadian
Reference: listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website
Artist: Ken Gillespie ~ [b.1948] Canadian SFCA
Artist: Ken Gillespie ~ [b.1948] Canadian SFCA
Reference: see artist's website at
Collector's Dictionary of Canadian Artists at Auction, by A.Westbridge, Vol.4, pg. 161, Westbridge Pub., 2003; represented by Hambleton Galleries in Kelowna, B.C.
Artist: Jim Gislason ~ [21st Century] Canadian
Artist: Jim Gislason ~ [21st Century] Canadian
Reference: see artist's website at
Artist: Roland Gissing ~ [1895-1967] Canadian ASA
Artist: Roland Gissing ~ [1895-1967] Canadian ASA
Reference: for biographical information and examples of work see artist's website at; see Roland Gissing, The People's Painter, by M.Foran, UofC Press, 1988 for many examples of the artist's work; biographies in Dict. of Canadian Artists, by C.MacDonald, Vol.2 pg.278 and Collector's Dictionary of Canadian Artists at Auction, by A.Westbridge, Vol.2, pg.12, Westbridge Pub., 2000; exhibition lists in R.C.A.A., pg.149 and M.M.F.A., by E.McMann, pg.145; included in The Alberta Society of Artists: Sixty Years, by M.Joslin, E.A.G., 1992; Colgate, pg.184; included in Jubilee Exhibition of Alberta Paintings, by J.Nicoll, Calgary Allied Art Centre, 1955; see Allgemeines Kunstler-Lexikon, Band 55, pg. 369, K.G. Saur Verlag Munchen-Leipzig, 1983-2009; listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website
Artist: Martin Franz Glusing ~ [1885-1956] German
Artist: Martin Franz Glusing ~ [1885-1956] German
Artist: Henry George Glyde ~ [1906-1998] Canadian ASA, CSGA, FCA, RCA
Artist: Henry George Glyde ~ [1906-1998] Canadian ASA, CSGA, FCA, RCA
Reference: see A Lifelong Journey, The Art and Teaching of H.G. Glyde, by Patricia Ainslie, published by Glenbow Museum, 1987; included in Founders of the Alberta College of Art, by Valerie Greenfield, pg. 82, 1986; National Gallery of Canada Vol. 2, G-K, edited by Charles C. Hill, pg. 35, 1988; Printmaking in Alberta 1945-1985, by Bente Roed Cochran, pg. 33-34, 1989; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, by Colin MacDonald, Vol. 2 pg. 283; exhibition at the Glenbow Museum in conjunction with the Group of Seven in the West exhibition, fall 2002; exhibition lists in Royal Canadian Academy of Arts: Exhibitions and Members 1880-1970, by Evelyn McMann, pg. 149, 1981; Montreal Museum of Fine Arts formerly Art Association of Montréal Spring Exhibitions 1880 - 1970, by Evelyn McMann, pg. 146, 1988; biography in Collector's Dictionary of Canadian Artists at Auction, by Anthony R. Westbridge, Vol. 2, pg. 13, Westbridge Publishing, 2000; listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website
Artist: Edward William [Ted] Godwin ~ [1933-2013] Canadian ASA, RCA
Artist: Edward William [Ted] Godwin ~ [1933-2013] Canadian ASA, RCA
Reference: see Five Painters from Regina, by the N.G.C., 1961; Ted Godwin, the Tartan Years 1967-1976, by A.Davis, Nickle Arts Museum, 1999; Lower Bow, A Celebration of Wilderness, Art and Fishing, by T.Godwin, MacKenzie Art Gallery exhibition, 1991; The 75th Anniversary Edition, by A.Schmidt, University of Alberta Faculty of Extension, 1987; N.G.C. Vol.2, G-K, ed.C.Hill, pg.37; Founders of the A.C.A., by V.Greenfield, pg.83; Biographical Dict. of Saskatchewan Artists - Men, by M.Newman, pg. 99, Fifth House Pub., 1994; Dict. of Canadian Artists, by C.MacDonald, Vol.2, pg. 14; Westbridge,Vol.2, pg.285; listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website
Artist: Richard/Kenneth Gorenko/Webb ~ [20th century] Canadian
Artist: Richard/Kenneth Gorenko/Webb ~ [20th century] Canadian
Artist: Colin D. Graham ~ [1915-2010] Canadian RCA
Artist: Colin D. Graham ~ [1915-2010] Canadian RCA
Reference: see Art in Victoria 1960/1986, by N.Tuele, A.G.G.V. for biography and another example of the artist's work; Collector's Dictionary of Canadian Artists at Auction, by A.Westbridge, Vol.2, pg.19, Westbridge Pub., 2000; listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website
Artist: Francine Gravel ~ [b.1944] Canadian ASA
Artist: Francine Gravel ~ [b.1944] Canadian ASA
Reference: see artist's website at; see Gravel, by J.Duciaume, B.Roed, Editions Marcel Broquet, 1988; Alberta Art: Works from the A.A.F., by the A.A.F., for biography and other examples; Printmaking in Alberta 1945-1985, B.Cochran, pg.75-76; Artists of the Okanagan, by J.Davis, pg.47, Okanagan Mainline Seniors Writers, 1988; Collector's Dictionary of Canadian Artists at Auction, by A.Westbridge, Vol.2, pg.21, Westbridge Pub., 2000; October 2002 exhibition at Scott Gallery, Edmonton; see Allgemeines Kunstler-Lexikon, Band 61, pg. 35, K.G. Saur Verlag Munchen-Leipzig, 1983-2009; represented by Scott Gallery, Edmonton
Artist: Adeline Halvorson ~ [21st century] Canadian
Artist: Adeline Halvorson ~ [21st century] Canadian
Reference: see artist's web site at
has exhibited for many years at the Calgary Stampede and her painting was selected for the Calgary Stampede 2014 poster; listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website
Artist: Donald Hamm ~ [20th century] Canadian
Artist: Donald Hamm ~ [20th century] Canadian
Reference: listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website
Artist: Ann Alexandra Harbuz ~ [1908-1989] Canadian
Artist: Ann Alexandra Harbuz ~ [1908-1989] Canadian
Reference: see Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Artists, Women Artists, by M.Newman, pg.71, Fifth House Pub., 1990; see other examples in Grassroots Saskatchewan, by D.Thauberger, Norman MacKenzie Art Gallery, 1976; Collector's Dictionary of Canadian Artists at Auction, by A.Westbridge, Vol.2, pg.34, Westbridge Pub., 2000; A Compendium of Canadian Folk Arts, by T.Kobayashi, pg. 91, Boston Mills Press, 1985; An Illustrated Companion to Canadian Folk Art, by B.McKendry, pg. 147, self published, 1999; A to Z of Canadian Folk Art, Artists & Art Terms, by B.McKendry, pg. 99, self published, 1997; listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website
Artist: Frederick Elliot Hart ~ [1943-1999] American
Artist: Frederick Elliot Hart ~ [1943-1999] American
Reference: see Frederick Hart - Changing Tides, ed, Mary Yakush, Pub., 2005, Judson Hills Press, New York and Manchester
Artist: Ron Hedrick ~ [b.1942] Canadian
Artist: Ron Hedrick ~ [b.1942] Canadian
Reference: see artist's web site at; listed in Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artist's Files, by C.Campbell, pg.328, National Gallery of Canada Library, 1999
Artist: John Heward ~ [1934-2018] Canadian
Artist: John Heward ~ [1934-2018] Canadian
Reference: see Interpretive Paradigm: The Rayons and Sculptures of John Heward, by James Campbell, Dictions Montreal, 1988; The Ethics of Making; the Forming Rayons of John Heward, by James Campbell, Agnes Etherington Art Centre, 1993; represented by Paul Kuhn Gallery, Calgary and Galeries Bellemare Lambert, Montreal
Artist: J. Thomas Hinton ~ [20th century] Canadian
Artist: J. Thomas Hinton ~ [20th century] Canadian
Reference: listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website
Artist: Timothy Wilson Hoey ~ [20/21st century] Canadian
Artist: Timothy Wilson Hoey ~ [20/21st century] Canadian
Artist: Edwin Headley Holgate ~ [1892-1977] Canadian CGP, CSGA, RCA
Artist: Edwin Headley Holgate ~ [1892-1977] Canadian CGP, CSGA, RCA
Reference: see Edwin H. Holgate, by D.Reid, N.G.C., 1976 and The Prints of Edwin Holgate, by I.Thom, McMichael Canadian Art Collection, 1989 for catalogue of the artist's prints; Edwin Holgate, by R.Pepall, MMFA, 2005; biography and other examples in N.G.C. Vol.2, G-K, ed.C.Hill, pg.133; Printmaking in Quebec, 1900-1950, by D.Martin, pg.96, Musee du Quebec, 1988; Images of the Land, 1919-1945, by P.Ainslie, pg.62
Artist: Robert John Hope ~ [1948-2023] Canadian ASA
Artist: Robert John Hope ~ [1948-2023] Canadian ASA
Artist: George A. Horvath ~ [b.1933] Canadian
Artist: George A. Horvath ~ [b.1933] Canadian
Reference: biographies in Collector's Dictionary of Canadian Artists at Auction, by A.Westbridge, Vol.2, pg.61, Westbridge Pub., 2000; Shell Canada Collection, by B.Shammas, pg.23; listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website
Artist: Dillon Huang ~ [20th century] Canadian
Artist: Dillon Huang ~ [20th century] Canadian
Reference: artist's web site at; represented by Gainsborough Galleries, Calgary and others
Artist: Geoffrey Hunter ~ [b.1960] Canadian
Artist: Geoffrey Hunter ~ [b.1960] Canadian
Reference: see Three, C.Boisvert, Southern Alberta Art Gallery, 1991 [with J.Fraser and R.Renpenning]; listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website