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Biographies by Artist's Last Name

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Lot #116

Artist: Audrey Mabee ~ [b.1939] Canadian

#116 ~ Mabee - On the Rocks
Lot #116

Artist: Audrey Mabee ~ [b.1939] Canadian

Reference: listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website

Lot #236

Artist: Piero Manzoni ~ [1933-1963] Italian

#236 ~ Manzoni - Alfabeto [Nero]  #28/60
Lot #236

Artist: Piero Manzoni ~ [1933-1963] Italian

Reference: Self-taught artist Manzoni was born in Soncino, province of Cremona. His full name was Count Meroni Manzoni di Chiosca e Poggiolo and his first exhibit was at age 23. His works from approximately 1957 until his death in 1963, questioned and satirized the status of the art object as it had been conceived throughout modernism.
See artist information on the Museum of Modern Art website at www.moma.org/artists/3741; see also extensive entry at en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piero_Manzoni; included on the Getty Union List of Artist Names Online, by the Getty Research Trust website at www.getty.edu/research/tools/vocabularies/ulan/index.html

Lot #117, Lot #436

Artist: Henri Leopold Masson ~ [1907-1996] Canadian CGP, CSGA, CSPWC, FCA, OSA, RCA

#117 ~ Masson - Stream and Rocks
#436 ~ Masson - Mechins
Lot #117, Lot #436

Artist: Henri Leopold Masson ~ [1907-1996] Canadian CGP, CSGA, CSPWC, FCA, OSA, RCA

Reference: see Remembering Henri Masson, 50 Years of Painting, by R.Babinska, Galerie d'Art Vincent, Ottawa, 2001; Henri Masson, La Vision d'un Peintre, by C.Bouchard, Les Editions Lecha, 1979; Henri Masson, by M.Gingras, Collection Signatures, 1981; N.G.C. Vol.III, by R.Hubbard, pg.209; A.G.O., by the A.G.O., pg.299; biographies in Dict. of Canadian Artists, by C.MacDonald, Vol.4, pg.1141 and Collector's Dictionary of Canadian Artists at Auction, by A.Westbridge, Vol.3, pg.17, Westbridge Pub., 2001; exhibition lists in R.C.A.A., pg.275 and M.M.F.A., by E.McMann, pg.257; listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website

Lot #237

Artist: William [Billy] J. McCarroll ~ [b.1937] Canadian

#237 ~ McCarroll - What
Lot #237

Artist: William [Billy] J. McCarroll ~ [b.1937] Canadian

Reference: Originally from southern California, McCarroll moved to Canada in 1971 to teach art in Lethbridge, eventually becoming a Professor Emeritus at the University of Lethbridge and founding their art gallery along the way. His diverse works as a printmaker and painter range from irreverent pieces with golf as a theme to layered abstracts that emphsize pure colour and paint-handling.
See article on a 2011 show surveying 40 years of McCarroll's work at Southern Alberta Art Gallery at www.gallerieswest.ca/magazine/stories/playing-through and many more examples of his abstract works at norberghall.com/portfolio/billy-mccarroll; biography and another example in Survey Alberta 88, by A.MacKay, pg.37, Alberta College of Art, 1988; listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website at app.pch.gc.ca/application/aac-aic/description-about.app?lang=en

Lot #437, Lot #438

Artist: Irene E. McCaugherty ~ [1914-1996] Canadian

#437 ~ McCaugherty - Martha
#438 ~ McCaugherty - The Haying Crew 1934 [Wheelerville Series]
Lot #437, Lot #438

Artist: Irene E. McCaugherty ~ [1914-1996] Canadian

Reference: Irene McCaugherty was a self-taught artist, writer, and poet. Her folk-art paintings explore the people and cultural narrative of southern Alberta’s pioneer days in the later part of the 19th and early 20th century. She recorded the daily happenings of life in early Alberta with humour and colour, and invited viewers to enter her world of auction sales, musical rides, road building, small town life, and ranching. McCaugherty often painted in an unusual dimension, long and narrow. That rectangular shape reflected the view she had out the window of her pick-up truck, as she drove around southern Alberta to capture the stories of the people and the places she called home. Her watercolours do not conform to traditional one-point perspective, and she found a voice that was uniquely hers, capturing the imagined past and invented history of life on the prairie. She created more than 1,000 paintings before her death in 1996, many of which have been donated by her family to the Lethbridge College Campus where they are on display in the Founders’ Square Space. For many years, McCaugherty wrote a newspaper column for the Lethbridge Herald called Diary of a Farmer’s Wife about cowboy life on her ranch in the Porcupine Hills of Alberta. She also self-published three books and one recording of her stories, poetry, and paintings. McCaugherty received an Alberta Achievement award in 1992, and an Honourary Doctor of Law degree from the University of Lethbridge in 1995, for her work preserving the history of Southern Alberta. Her art can be found at the Galt Museum and Archives in Lethbridge, the Glenbow Museum in Calgary, and the National Gallery of Canada in Ottawa.

see Irene McCaugherty, Watercolours, published by the Southern Alberta Art Gallery, 1983; Yesterday's Memories, by I.McCaugherty, pub. By the artist, 1988; A Voice in Time, by I.McCaugherty, 1990; The Ladders We Climb, by I.McCaugherty, pub. By the artist, 1994; By a Lady, Celebrating Three Centuries of Art by Canadian Women, by M.Tippett, Penguin Group, 1992; Collector's Dictionary of Canadian Artists at Auction, by A.Westbridge, Vol.3, pg.21, Westbridge Pub., 2001

Lot #439, Lot #440, Lot #441, Lot #442

Artist: Robert F.M. McInnis ~ [b.1942] Canadian

#439 ~ McInnis - After Monet
#440 ~ McInnis - Night on Louise Bridge
#441 ~ McInnis - Study in Red and Green on a Rainy Day
#442 ~ McInnis - Untitled - Lady in Black Reading
Lot #439, Lot #440, Lot #441, Lot #442

Artist: Robert F.M. McInnis ~ [b.1942] Canadian

Reference: A is Alberta: A Centennial Alphabet Ken Tingley, Simple Truth Publications, 2005; Art Attitude: The Random Thoughts of RFM McInnis by Robert McInnis, 2021Spaces and Places - Eight Decades of Landscape Painting in Alberta, by J.Ironside, pg.106; biographies in Dict. of Canadian Artists, by C.MacDonald, Vol.4, addendum and Collector's Dictionary of Canadian Artists at Auction, by A.Westbridge, Vol.3, pg.24, Westbridge Pub., 2001; exhibited at Masters Gallery, Calgary; Roberts Gallery, Toronto; Galerie Klinkhoff, Montreal; see artist website www.rfmmcinnis.ca; listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website; the artist was elected to the College of Fellows of the Royal Canadian Geographical Society in 2017; Art Attitude: The Random Thoughts of RFM McInnis by Robert McInnis, 2021

Lot #443

Artist: Katerina Mertikas ~ [b.1957] Canadian

#443 ~ Mertikas - Enough for Today
Lot #443

Artist: Katerina Mertikas ~ [b.1957] Canadian

Reference: Born in Tripoli, Greece, self-taught artist Mertikas and her family immigrated to Canada in 1960. Her first show was in Ville Saint Laurent in 1989. Her work has been selected by UNICEF and the Canadian Lung Association for cards, stamps, and calendars to help raise funds for their charities and she is a Fellow of the Royal Society of the Arts.
For more biographical information and examples of work see artist's website at katerinamertikas.com and chaseartgallery.com/collections/mertikas-katerina; biography and another example in Guide Vallee, III Edition, by F.Vallee, pg.799, pub. Le Guide Vallee, 1992; Collector's Dictionary of Canadian Artists at Auction, by A.Westbridge, Vol.3, pg.32, Westbridge Pub., 2001; listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website at app.pch.gc.ca/application/aac-aic/description-about.app?lang=en

Lot #238

Artist: Mark Mullin ~ [b.1969] Canadian

#238 ~ Mullin - Something the Wind Blew In
Lot #238

Artist: Mark Mullin ~ [b.1969] Canadian

Reference: Born in Edmonton, Canada, Mullin has taught at various academic institutions in Canada and exhibited across North America and Europe. He has been a member of Alberta University of the Arts faculty in Calgary since 2003.
For more biographical information and examples of work see artist's website at www.markcmullin.com and www.paulkuhngallery.com/artists/mark-mullin; listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website at app.pch.gc.ca/application/aac-aic/description-about.app?lang=en

Lot #239, Lot #444

Artist: Wil Murray ~ [b.1978]

#239 ~ Murray - No Cash Dep. Reqd. D/L Only [Diptych]
#444 ~ Murray - Page 28 Girl
Lot #239, Lot #444

Artist: Wil Murray ~ [b.1978]

Reference: Murray studied at the Alberta College of Art and Design and lived across Canada in many places urban and rural. He has exhibited in many places around the western world. Ref: www.youraga.ca/bio/wil-murray
see Murray's 2008 exhibit at www.patrickmikhailgallery.com/exhibitions/why-i-am-not-a-painter and a 2018 exhibit at Vitrine Gallery in London at https://www.meer.com/en/31165-wil-murray; listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website at app.pch.gc.ca/application/aac-aic/description-about.app?lang=en

Lot #445

Artist: Gabor L. Nagy ~ [b.1945] Canadian

#445 ~ Nagy - An Invitation to Venice
Lot #445

Artist: Gabor L. Nagy ~ [b.1945] Canadian

Reference: biography in Collector's Dictionary of Canadian Artists at Auction, by A.Westbridge, Vol.3, pg.50, Westbridge Pub., 2001; listed in Guide Vallee, III Edition, by F.Vallee, pg.835, pub. Le Guide Vallee, 1992; listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website

Lot #446, Lot #447, Lot #448

Artist: Marion Florence Nicoll ~ [1909-1985] Canadian ASA, RCA

#446 ~ Nicoll - Old House - Bowness
#447 ~ Nicoll - Jim [Sleeping]
#448 ~ Nicoll - Self Portrait  #154/200
Lot #446, Lot #447, Lot #448

Artist: Marion Florence Nicoll ~ [1909-1985] Canadian ASA, RCA

Reference: see Marion Nicoll, A Retrospective 1959-1979, by Edmonton Art Gallery, 1975; Marion Nicoll R.C.A., by J. Brooks Joyner, published by Masters Gallery, 1979; Marion Nicoll, Art and Influences, by Christopher E. Jackson, published by Glenbow Museum, 1986; Marion Nicoll: Silence and Alchemy, by Ann Davis and Elizabeth Herbert, published by University of Calgary Press, 2013; included in Printmaking in Alberta 1945-1985, by Bente Roed Cochran, pg. 110-112, 1989; biographies in Founders of the Alberta College of Art, by Valerie Greenfield, pg. 94, 1986; North American Women Artists of the Twentieth Century, edited by Jules Heller and Nancy G. Heller, pg. 406-407, Garland Publishing, 1995; Collector's Dictionary of Canadian Artists at Auction, by Anthony R. Westbridge, Vol. 3, pg. 54, Westbridge Publishing, 2001; Dictionary of Canadian Artists, by Colin MacDonald, Vol. 5, pg. 1383; listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website

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