Artist Victor Cicansky
Title Untitled - Jar of Strawberries
Media glazed ceramic sculpture
Size 4.25 x 3.25 x 3.25 in. / 10.8 x 8.3 x 8.3 cm.
Sold $5,000
Estimate $700 - $900
signed and dated on bottom
private collection, Edmonton
Biographical Information
Victor Cicansky ~ [b.1935] Canadian
see Victor Cicansky, Clay Sculpture, by B.Ferguson, Norman Mackenzie Art Gallery, 1983; The Garden of Art, Vic Cicansky, Sculptor, by D.Kerr, 2004, UofC Press; The Mendel Art Gallery, 25 Years of Collecting, by M.Teitelbaum, pg.71; University of Saskatchewan Permanent Art Collection, by L.Bell, pg.31; Biographical Dictionary of Saskatchewan Artists - Men by M.Newman, pg.47, Fifth House Pub., 1994; represented by Mira Godard Gallery, Toronto and Susan Whitney Gallery, Regina; see Allgemeines Kunstler-Lexikon, Band 19, pg. 157, K.G. Saur Verlag Munchen-Leipzig, 1983-2009;listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website