Artist Katie von der Ohe
Title Marriage of the Rocks
Media bronze sculpture
Size 11.25 x 9.5 x 6.5 in. / 28.6 x 24.1 x 16.5 cm.
Sold $5,000
Estimate $6,000 - $12,000
on stone base measuring [2 x 6.75 x 5 in.]
Retail Value: $12,000
generously donated by the artist; proceeds will be donated to the Kiyooka Ohe Art Centre and Sculpture Park in Springbank, Alberta. KOAC is a contemporary art centre founded by artists Harry Kiyooka and Katie Ohe where visitors can visit an impressive collection of outdoor sculptures while enjoying the sanctuary of the natural environment. For more information or to donate directly, visit
Biographical Information
Katie von der Ohe ~ [b.1937] Canadian ASA, RCA
Ohe is one of the founders of Kiyooka Ohe Art Centre and Sculpture Park in Springbank, Alberta. KOAC is a contemporary art centre founded by Katie with Harry Kiyooka where visitors can view an impressive collection of outdoor sculptures while enjoying the sanctuary of the natural environment. For extensive biographical information and examples of the artist's work see
See Katie Ohe, by Richard Gordon, published by Alberta College of Art, 1991;
Katie Ohe: Ethos, Now and Then, published by Herringer Kiss Gallery, 2015; included in The Shell Canada Collection, by Basil Shammas, pg. 39, Shell Canada, Calgary, 1977; Artists of Alberta, by Suzanne Devonshire Baker, pg. 36, University of Alberta Press, 1980; Founders of the Alberta College of Art, by Valerie Greenfield, pg. 95, 1986; Alberta Society of Artists, the First Seventy Five Years, by Kathy E. Zimon, plate 59, University of Calgary Press, 2000; biographies in
Collector's Dictionary of Canadian Artists at Auction, by Anthony R. Westbridge, Vol. 3, pg. 60, Westbridge Publishing, 2001 and Dictionary of Canadian Artists, by Colin MacDonald, Vol. 5, pg. 1428; listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website at