Artist Alex Caldwell
Title Atom-ic II
Media steel sculpture
Size 19 x 19 x 19 in. / 48.3 x 48.3 x 48.3 cm.
Sold $9,000
Estimate $9,000 - $18,000
on custom plinth measuring [33 x 14.5 x 14.5 in.]
Retail Value: $18,000
generously donated by the artist; proceeds will be donated to the Kiyooka Ohe Art Centre and Sculpture Park in Springbank, Alberta. KOAC is a contemporary art centre founded by artists Harry Kiyooka and Katie Ohe where visitors can visit an impressive collection of outdoor sculptures while enjoying the sanctuary of the natural environment. For more information or to donate directly, visit
Biographical Information
Alex Caldwell ~ [b.1961] Canadian
represented by Paul Kuhn Gallery, Calgary and Herringer Kiss Gallery, Calgary; listed on Artists in Canada, a Union List of Artists' Files, by National Gallery of Canada Library et al, Canadian Heritage Information Network [CHIN] website